Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In the beginning, walking pneumonia will be ...

3 different types of bacteria

Also referred to as atypical pneumonia, walking pneumonia which health patient from diagnosis must not be hospitalized or bedridden. In contrast to normal or more often pneumonia patient in walking pneumonia is still mobile and move freely, despite the diagnosis of disease. Walking pneumonia resulting from infection of an organism called mycoplasma pneumonia, which consists of certain bacteria, viruses and other chemicals. In the beginning, walking pneumonia cause symptoms similar to colds and other respiratory infections. Some children will have a headache, congestion in the nose, and to report fatigue. Some also experience pain in the throat and even mild fever. The main difference between walking pneumonia and a cold that cold, usually improve or disappear within two weeks or less, but pneumonia symptoms will worsen walking within two weeks, and your child may develop a dry cough or heavy wet cough. Sleeping comfortably is also a problem with your child's cough may get worse during the night. Children may also face a different set of symptoms than in adults with walking pneumonia. Some children may show skin rash, or may experience nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Children may also experience difficulty in breathing or have a fever and swollen tonsils. Despite the seemingly mild nature of disease, respiratory disease should always be addressed immediately. Abdominal pain and pain in the eyes, ears, chest and muscles

If left untreated, symptoms of pneumonia walking will be stored and can create a dry cough. There are some patients who are able to recover from the infection without treatment, but in other cases, conditions may worsen. Once signs and symptoms of pneumonia walking set, you should immediately seek medical attention. Most cases of pneumonia walking easily treated with certain types of antibiotics. These drugs can speed up recovery. Your advice pediatricians should strictly adhere to particular medication. Cough medicine can be prescribed to treat certain symptoms. Walking pneumonia is actually a contagious disease. It can be transmitted from patient to healthy person by direct contact. The primary means by which the disease can be transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets. Airborne droplets of liquid that comes out of your mouth and nose, also known as secretions from the respiratory tract. These drops may pass to another person through sneezing strattera side effects, laughing, coughing or talking. If your child shows symptoms of pneumonia walking or you suspect that it cold be something more serious, take your child to the pediatrician immediately for care and treatment. It's always better safe than sorry when receiving medical care for any illness your child. .

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